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A new era of property management has begun in multifamily. Robots are now helping building owners lease residences. San Francisco-based Zenplace, a tech-centric property management company, recently launched an army of robots to provide guided property tours. “We set out to change the property management and rental experience by providing property owners and tenants a […]

Apartment marketing to families can be fun and rewarding. Why not host field trips to your apartment community from the local schools. This can be an educational opportunity for kids to see how a apartment community runs. Have your lead service technician explain maintenance. Let the grounds people show off their work and explain their […]

November 30, 2017



Every apartment marketing team experiences the challenge of trying to keep updated with all the trends, tools, techniques and resources that  flood the apartment marketing scene , and that is why Tami Siewruk at Multifamilypro took the time to identify  35 top resources for free marketing training for  2018. “Internet Marketing for Smart People” by […]

Austin apartments offer some unusual high-tech amenities There are two twists in this otherwise ordinary home automation story. Twist 1: As Kevin Teague leaves for work, he locks the door behind him and presses the LOCK button on his wireless keychain to arm his security system. Programmed lights automatically turn off and his CD player […]

Decorating Apartments for the Holidays By Tami Siewruk   Now, I know many of you are still decorating apartments for Halloween and Thanksgiving, but the yuletide season is close upon us.  While you’re carving jack-o-lanterns and stuffing cornucopias, here are a few apartment decorations ideas to get your brain started before December finds you without […]