Archive for the
‘Apartment On-site’ Category

Apartment Titles, Titles Everywhere! I am so confused! When I first entered this industry back in the early 70s, our terminology consisted of standard terms, including “leasing agent,” “resident,” “onsite manager,” “assistant manager,” and “property manager” and “property supervisor. But then again, we were also using words like “tenant,” “complex,” and “unit”—strictly taboo today. What […]

Everyone knows resident testimonials gives your marketing and leasing team a “proof advantage” which boosts new leases and leasing without concessions. The reason is fairly simple—if you say how great the community is, it’s just bragging; but if residents say it for you, it must be true! The problem with getting great resident testimonials is […]

1.   Don’t use the word “take-over”—ever! This implies a hostile environment and immediately puts existing employees on the defensive. Use instead “transition.” 2.   Keep in mind that the transition, regardless of how smoothly it goes, will initially be very stressful for the existing employees.  Treat them with respect and empathy. While the reality is that […]

Have plastic/disposable cups available for use at the pool. Offer discount rates for shampooing their carpet. Keep paint and paintbrushes available for touch-ups and let them know you offer this service. Provide a charging station for electronics by the pool this summer. Provide a bundle service for washing/cleaning clothes through an outside service provider. Have […]

A guarantee is a powerful tool—for marketing, leasing and quality service —for five reasons: A guarantee forces you to focus on residents. Knowing what residents want is the sine qua non in offering a service guarantee. A community has to identify its residents’ expectations about the elements of the service and the importance they attach […]

Years ago Multifamilypro conducted  a study with the help of multifamily management expert Ed Kelley to determine whether the time spent shopping for an apartment home had a discernible impact on the length of a resident’s stay.  The results confirmed what many of us have long suspected, and still ring as true today as they […]

Contributed by Christopher Dembitz, Clark Whitehill Enterprises, Inc. Reward the entire staff, especially maintenance personnel, when someone renews. A key part of our compensation program is the lease renewal bonus.  Everyone at a site gets a monetary bonus (based on their position) when a lease is renewed.  This works very well for maintenance personnel, as […]

Contributed by Kathy Landry I would like to share a couple of events our property hosts annually to involve our residents during the Christmas season. Right after Thanskgiving each year, we start promoting our “Door Decorating Contest.”  This contest has seven different categories to challenge the residents.  We give money prizes from $25 to $100, […]

It’s the time of year when wallets start to creak, and it becomes a bit more painful for everyone to spend their hard-earned money. Purses don’t open as easily as they usually do, and bank account balances are generally under more scrutiny.   That’s right  … the holidays are upon us! This highly anticipated time of cheer, […]