Archive for the
‘Apartment Leasing’ Category

By Jennifer Nevitt Casey There’s a simple way every property manager can increase income from the property being managed, yet even some of the best managers overlook it: rethinking the way they use their waiting lists. Here’s what usually happens in the process of a resident vacating an apartment.  First of all, the resident gives […]

1.   Don’t use the word “take-over”—ever! This implies a hostile environment and immediately puts existing employees on the defensive. Use instead “transition.” 2.   Keep in mind that the transition, regardless of how smoothly it goes, will initially be very stressful for the existing employees.  Treat them with respect and empathy. While the reality is that […]

Have plastic/disposable cups available for use at the pool. Offer discount rates for shampooing their carpet. Keep paint and paintbrushes available for touch-ups and let them know you offer this service. Provide a charging station for electronics by the pool this summer. Provide a bundle service for washing/cleaning clothes through an outside service provider. Have […]

            There’s a simple way every property manager can increase income from the property being managed, yet even some of the best managers overlook it: rethinking the way they use their waiting lists.             Here’s what usually happens in the process of a resident vacating an apartment.  First of all, the resident gives notice.  Next, […]

A guarantee is a powerful tool—for marketing, leasing and quality service —for five reasons: A guarantee forces you to focus on residents. Knowing what residents want is the sine qua non in offering a service guarantee. A community has to identify its residents’ expectations about the elements of the service and the importance they attach […]

Years ago Multifamilypro conducted  a study with the help of multifamily management expert Ed Kelley to determine whether the time spent shopping for an apartment home had a discernible impact on the length of a resident’s stay.  The results confirmed what many of us have long suspected, and still ring as true today as they […]

We have found that communities across the country have the idea that rent increases in $ 50 and $70 increments are effective because they are  easily  to remember, and the accounting team will have an easier time with those numbers. Unfortunately, rent increases like our rental rates, cause an adverse reaction when they are in […]

The last time you played “let’s pretend,” chances are you were only concerned with the three R’s (reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic). This time, we’re going to play a grown-up game of let’s pretend, where you get to be the Resident or Future Resident -and we’ve got four R’s to contend with (Rentals, Renewals, Retention, and […]